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Here on this page, You will be able to donate Card-Jistu Codes, Club Penguin Codes, Club Penguin Memberships, Ultimate Game Cards, and even Book Codes. These giveaways will go to our fans, to make our website even better. We will have contests aswell. Fill out the form below:

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Email Address:


       If you decide to DONATE here are some prizes, you'll be able to choose:

6 Month Memberships: (Pick 2 options)
- YOUR blogroll featured on our website for 1 month.
- 2 months boxed on my YouTube Channel
- Added by Dodgers4 for 3 months
- Followed on Twitter by @CpDodgers4 

Club Penguin Coin Codes and Book Codes, 1, 2 Month Memberships: (Pick 1 option)
- YOUR blogroll featured on our website for 2 weeks.
- Added by Dodgers4 for 1 month 
- Followed on Twitter for 3 weeks
- Host a Party with Dodgers4

Card-Jistu Cards, Ultimate Game Cards, Xats,Days,Powers (Pick 1 option)
- Meet I (Dodgers4) on Club Penguin
- 1 FREE graphic (Starburst Icon, Custom Penguin)
- 1 month boxed on my YouTube Channel

*I will not be using these codes, these codes will be thrown into contests not for me*
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